Here are some projects of mine.

Note - some are hosted on Heroku, so the loading time may take a few seconds!

A Note keeping app made using Javascripts React library for building user interfaces, I learnt how to make it by taking an online react course. GitHub code here.

A Todo List web app made using React, I learnt how to make it by taking an online react course. GitHub code here.

A Blog website made using Node.js, ejs, MongoDB, Mongoose and hosted in the cloud via Mongo DB Cloud Atlas. GitHub code here.

Drum machine I made using Javascript! Give it a go! GitHub code here.

To do list. Node js, ejs, npm, express, mongo db cloud atlas hosted via amazon cloud services. NOTE - at the end of the url if you type a forwards slash / followed by any word you like, it will create a seperate to do list. e,g, work, school, shopping list, ect. GitHub code here.

My PHP validated form, coded from the ground up, no frame works, bullet proof validation, security - redisplays valid data so user does not have to re-enter and highlights errors. GitHub code here.